Markdown <br>

Forrest Klausmeier
2 min readJun 20, 2021
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Hello! This is my first entry on Medium. This blog will be a record of the things I’ve learned, ranging from large concepts to tips and tricks I’ve come across as I work my way through the Launch School curriculum. First off, I’d like to offer a solution to a nagging problem that’s come up for me twice now on that journey.

The problem is related to Markdown. It’s a basic formatting mistake that took me way longer to solve than it probably should have. It’s not much, but it’s something, and it may prove useful, for instance, the next time you submit a code review request and the valediction won’t format correctly, as was the case for me.

So, for example, say you’re about to submit the aforementioned code review request and you want the message to say:

How you want it to look…

But, instead, you have something that looks like this:

How it looks…

The reason for this is because Markdown requires a line break (<br>) to start a new line:

That’s it!

Hopefully, the next time you find yourself writing a message on a platform that uses Markdown, you’ll remember this little trick, and save yourself some time.

Thanks for reading!



Forrest Klausmeier

I code and write about topics I'm learning to facilitate a better understanding for myself, and hopefully a few others along the way.